Monday, October 18, 2010

#16 Fussion

The Enterprise runs across a small Vulcan ship and is hailed. The ship belongs to an order of Vulcans that has devoted themselves to find balance between logic and emotion and thus act much more "human".

The ship is in need of some repairs, so the crews of each vessel intermegle and get to know one another. T'Pol is basically ordered to work with the Vulcans, something she shows discomfort with at first and later comes to accept. She is convinced by a member of the order to try to find balance and experience emotion herself, she tries - has some bad dreams and later is mind raped during a mind meld with the crew member. She ends up in the sick bay and Archer sends the other ship on its way. Archer being the gentleman that he is does not apologize to T'Pol for putting her in the situation.

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