Monday, May 17, 2010

#6 Enterprise: The Andorian Incident

or... Dirty Lying stinking Vulcans.

The Enterprise makes a stop over at a Ancient Vulcan monastery only to find it and its inhabitance are being held captive by a group of Andorians. The Andorians think the Vulcan's have a surveillance outpost hidden in the monistary, the Vulcans claim they do not.

I must say Archer can take a punch, the Andorians beat the snot out of him and he can take it at about 1/2 Kirk - An assault team beams in and 'rescues' the hostages with a brief firefight chasing two of the Andorians into a holiest of hollies in the temple.

I got all excited thinking we had our first dead red shirt, but nooooooo; he gets away with only a minor wound. And then in the middle of the firefight a secret door is uncovered and we find that there *IS* a secret Vulcan outpost.

Archer gets pissed, he lets the Andorians go. He's still on my bad list.....

He should have punched the Andorian square in the mouth.

Alien Sex: 1
Red Shirts Dead: :0(

Blogged Trek 5 Hours 24 Minutes and 31 Seconds 


  1. There is a reason that Andorian's do not make a continued apearance in the Star Trek universe. I feel that it was a mistake to bring these things back. I often wonder if their little tenticle things retract like a snail's does. Oooh ooh.. That would be a sight to see.

  2. I don't mind the Andorians, as far as the lesser used Star Trek races they are at least interesting. They are just never used very well, they are supposed to be a warrior race - and they are normally just used as "Those blue guys in the background"
